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Microsoft Powerpoint 2013: Introductory
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About the Author
Susan L. Sebok is a retired professor at South Suburban College in South Holland, Illinois. She is also a licensed attorney. Ms. Sebok has co-authored several successful textbooks for the leading Shelly Cashman Series, including multiple versions of Microsoft PowerPoint and DISCOVERING COMPUTERS.
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Product details
Paperback: 376 pages
Publisher: Cengage Learning; 1 edition (June 11, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1285167864
ISBN-13: 978-1285167862
Product Dimensions:
8.5 x 0.5 x 10.5 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
2.7 out of 5 stars
6 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#1,307,371 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
Get far too little for the cost. Too many pages (60) wasted explaining Office 2013 and 15 pages explaining Office 365 and not enough pages on Powerpoint. It doesn't cover any advanced subjects. It does not adequately explain some features such as Animation. For example Triggers could be better explained. The book is essentially a colored visual explanation. It is comparable to "Teach Yourself VISUALLY PowerPoint 2013 [Paperback]" which sells for about $24. On many subjects, the less expensive version is better but like any two books, there are differences. For example "Teach Yourself" doesn't discuss inserting synonyms. Neither is a Bible but the Bibles on the market are not in color and though more thorough, harder to work with.My copy of this handbook came with damage to several pages caused by the page cutters during assembly.Actually googling a feature usually results in more complete information on how to perform an operation. Even get YouTube videos.
This product was only used for my college notmuch to say about it but I it helping my college class because,we use it for test taking
They should tell people that thier is two versions of this book; one has more chapters. You should get the version with more chapters. Other than that it's a good book if you intend to work on a lot of presentations.
Very satisfied
The book does not come with a SAM code
only 3 chapters nothing more than a booklet's worth of instruction for 70 bucks.
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